Mount Hermon Adventures is located in the scenic Santa Cruz Mountains of California. This beautifully located adventure business operates a canopy zip line tour as well as multiple aerial adventure parks, in conjunction with an in-house team-building program. Mt. Hermon Adventures operations year-round. During the busy season, this adventure destination employs well over 100 staff members that facilitate tours on two main courses dozens of times a day. We sat down with Cameron Leonard, the Operations Manager, to talk more about how Papertrail has made their operation run smoother.
In what ways do you use Papertrail in your business?
Papertrail is our main tool for recording and tracking our periodic equipment inspections and all of the equipment we have in service and storage. We have been using the system for approximately 10 months.
What about Papertrail caught your eye? What problems did you need Papertrail to solve?
Before we used Papertrail we used hard copy filing and inspection documents that we generating in-house. Those documents were in use for a number of years. We decided that we wanted to use less paper and centralize our documents in an electronic database.

What was the Papertrail on-boarding process like for your operation?
The web demos and ease of communications during the sales process was much appreciated. Having all our equipment uploaded into the system was a helpful way to start using the service right from the start. The general ease of use did not present any real roadblocks.
After setting up your account, what kind of changes did you make to your operation? How did the staff handle the transition?
There were not all that many changes we had to make after setting up. We purchased a few tablets so we can use the program out in the field since much of our gear and courses are located some distance away from our office. Only a few supervisors or in-house inspectors use the program. So introducing the service to the few people using it was fairly easy.
What are some of the key benefits that Papertrail brings to your business?
The main benefit is having all of our equipment and records all in one place that is easy to access. We needed something that was easy to use and allowed us to review the history, repairs needed and upcoming inspections for all the different gear across all of our courses.
Would you recommend Papertrail to others in your industry?
Having Papertrail has been a real plus for our operation; it has allowed us to be all on the same page when it comes to maintenance and inspecting our equipment. All our records are easily accessible for any individual piece of gear, which help keep track of what needs to be put into service or retired. It allows for individual autonomy for our staff. They all can see what is due and when it needs to be completed.To learn more about Papertrail and how it can streamline your record keeping sign up for a free demo today.