Board Length: 16" (approx. 40.5 cm)
Board Height: 4.75" at tallest point (approx. 12 cm)
Holds (in Arrow-Up Orientation):
Top Middle: 7.5" wide, 1.5" deep (from wall to edge), 1.5 pad, puffy rounded lip incut edge
Big Middle Slot: about 5.25" wide across bottom, 1.5" deep, 1.5 pad, slightly incut flat edge
Bottom Middle Slots: 2.5" wide, 3/4" deep, 3/4 pad, barely incut flat edges
Edge Slots: 3" wide, 3/4" deep, 3/4-1 pad barely incut flat edges (slightly bigger and flatter than the Bottom Middle Slots)
Top of Edge Slots: 3.25" wide, 1" deep, full pad incut lipped crimp